10 ways to build your network without going bars.
My dear friend,
There is a statement that says no matter what you know, but who you know.
Another says the size of your wealth (Networth) depends on the size of your network (NETWORK).
The two statements show the importance of a network of people you know and who know that you can succeed in what you do, whether it work or business.
Whatever you want, exists to other people.
Wherever you want to arrive, there are others you need their help.
So it is very important to build and strengthen your network so you can get great success.
The main problem of many on the building of this success, is to believe in only one way that has been.
The way is to meet people in comfortable areas, especially in bars.
You will hear people saying that moral is there. That they do not go bars can not find good madness.
It's really someone you can find midi bars, but the time you use there and you are also using it to harm you than even the moral you get.
Stay bars until midnight while you are drunk not the right way to build your success.
You lose time and you burn your body as well as spread your health.
Great achievements require a great use of your time and your body to be able to fight. Depending on the bars to build your network, it goes against it and it becomes a barrier to great success.
Here we will learn 10 ways to create your successful network without going to bars.
Before entering the 10 paths, first of whom should you know what important people are targeting.
Do not only be worried with everyone, but to know the authorities and the makers who need them so that your things go.
When you know them important, you can use different ways in these ten to create good relationships and enable you to get what you want.
The most important on the web building is to give before you ask. Don't look for someone when you have only trouble, he will not give you a priority. Start giving someone before you even have a need for him and the need will be willing to give you because there is a debt you have built him for what you have given him.
After this important, it is now 10 alternatives to build your network from bars.
1. Birthday.
Everyone has his birthday.
Know the birthdays of those you want to build with the good relationships and when it comes to contact them blessed and give them various gifts.
You can see it a little thing, but great power, someone will appreciate you very much to appreciate her birthday.
2. Celebration.
People tend to have various festivals and many of our procedures ask for contributions to complete their ceremony.
Know the ceremonies of those you target and contribute to their ceremonies.
That will make them see you value and later be ready to give you what you need for them.
3. Disasters.
People tend to experience their close disasters. During the period of disasters people need comfort and other assistance.
The sun is targeting when they have tragedy and be close to them, give them comfort and help what you can.
This will make a person owe you that you can use to find other things.
4. Religion.
If you focus on the same religion or denomination, it is easy to build with him more closely.
The first is through the share of worship, it is easy to meet and greet after worship.
Second is the various committees where you are targeting may be on one of those committees, looking for a way that in those committees also have the opportunity to be close to the collaboration.
5. Politics.
Through politics you can also create your network.
By knowing the political activities that you target is involved and see how you can help him.
If he is running then contribute money to his campaign.
Kaka has a synergy then give your contribution.
For part of his political movement, you build him a debt to you.
6. Challenge.
Everyone has different challenges he faced in his life.
Even the focus also has its challenges.
It is your responsibility to know the challenges he faced and see what you can help him to do.
Help them to solve the challenges without asking anything, and the day with his need will give you a priority.
7. Gifts.
You can find any reason to give a gift someone you want to build with him relationships.
Landa has riding a title or has found a good place, give gifts.
Gifts must not be too big, it is an act of recognizing its position that is powerful.
8. Web.
You can create your network with someone to help him build its network. See what people you know and can be helpful to the one you target.
Then congratulate you together so that they can cooperate. If they are right for each other, they will appreciate you you who gathered you.
9. Contracies.
Various conferences like seminars, meetings and exhibitions are part of meeting people and you need more.
Let them know the key conferences in which those you are attending and you attend too.
10. Parties.
There are various parties that people are members. Here are out of political parties. They may be professional or social parties.
Sun parties that target them are and then find the way you become a member too or if it is impossible to find a way to participate in various activities of the parties.
That will bring closer to those you target.
These methods, and other that you have thought after reading here, can help you create a strong network and help you succeed.
Attention; These methods have great power and you can use them to deceive others. But avoid that, deceive people you will break your trust.
Use these methods in good faith, be faithful and help others.
Do not just give it because you depend on getting, but to add value to someone else.
As you take these steps to the position and for a long time, that's what you build and strengthen your network.
When I wish you all the best in creating a better network for your success.