#FIVE OF THE WEEK # 13 2021; An Injury Is A Choice, How To Control Your Mind So That You Don't Be Hurt, The 40% Principle Of Pushing Yourself More, Do Not Ask For Money Before You Are Mental And Professional To Succeed.
Welcome to the 5th of the 13th week of this year 2021.
Here I have prepared for you five great things to learn and take action so that your life can be better from the book I read in depth.
This 13th week we are going to learn from a book called Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds written by retired Soldier David Goggins.
David Goggins has gone through a very difficult life from his childhood to adulthood. First of all his childhood was very miserable due to having a father who was abusing children and wife as well as enslaving them in his businesses. After her parents divorced her and left with her mother, life became more difficult because her mother had no job or education. Another thing that brought him the most suffering in life was that he was a black American who was very discriminated against every time he went. From school to the military, he was the only black person, something that made him face discrimination many times.
But despite all the hardships he went through, despite the intense suffering he experienced in life, David understood one thing, injury is choice, and so he decided not to hurt himself, and turned suffering into a part of him growing up.
His choice of torture as part of growing up enabled him to become a Commando in the US military, to participate in more than 60 marathons and to break a world record in hand-pulling exercises. David has overcome this by choosing hardship and suffering and not accepting injury. In five weeks we are going to learn how we can be better through hardship and suffering and not accept injury.
Welcome to learn and take action to become better.
Friend, pain has been a barrier to many succeeding in their lives.
Try to look at yourself, look at everything you have ever failed and give up, what made you accept failure? If you look closely you will find the answer is one, you failed or despaired because you did not want to hurt more. You had experienced hardships and sufferings that you told yourself you could never go on.
But also look at anything you have ever really wanted in your life, something that you would not be willing to go on with life without having it. Something that was very hard for you to find, but you matured until you found it. In this moment did you feel pain? And did that pain relieve the intense desire to get what you wanted? The answer is no, for what you really wanted, you did not allow anything to stop you from getting it.
These two examples, from your own life should teach you one thing, injury is a choice. Although we all face hardships and suffering, to the extent that it hurts to say no more is to choose for yourself. If you are truly committed and want the truth, you will experience pain but you will ignore it, because what you want is more important than that pain.
And that's what it takes to be truly successful, you can't really be successful if you can't keep doing it despite the pain. You have to be willing to ignore the pain, you have to be willing to push yourself even harder when you feel you have reached the limit, and that is when you get what the few get.
The only reason why so few are successful and when they are successful is far greater than those who fail is that many are pushed back by pain, and thus at the top there is a greater chance but those who arrive are few. So those who can overcome the pain and move on, when they reach the top, enjoy great success.
Choose not to hurt yourself and nothing will stop you from succeeding.
As you saw in the introduction, this week we are going to learn from a book called Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds written by retired Soldier David Goggins.
Since this book is written by a soldier, and the training system provided here is military, then in this analysis we will be guided by a mission to liberate our lives from the enemy who is blocking us who is ourselves.
Through this book, we are going to war against ourselves, that is, we are going to fight against ourselves, to stop attacking ourselves and pushing ourselves back, unlocking our greatest potential and using it to be more successful.
So Commander David Goggins gives us a declaration of war, a war we must fight to have a successful life.
TIME; 24/7, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
STATUS; Your life is in danger by living a habit and you have become so soft that you will die without realizing the great potential within you.
MISSION; opening the shackles of your mind, giving us your reasons, possessing your life to the fullest and building an unbreakable foundation.
IMPLEMENTATION; one; read the book and receive the ten challenges in this book and understand them. Repeat to further strengthen your mind.
Two; work on every challenge in your life, if you do it well you will get pain. But remember the purpose of this mission is not to feel good, but to have a better life.
Tatu; do not stop when you are tired, but stop doing when you have finished what you planned to do.
AINISHO; This is the real story of a hero. That hero is you.
After this declaration of war, we now go straight to the war itself, and in this war, there are ten challenges to work for to achieve victory which is a life of success. We are going to learn every challenge and steps to take to be the best.
Everyone has challenges and challenges that they go through in their lives. No one gets everything they deserve in life. Many people have been using the hardships they have gone through as a reason why they cannot do great things in their lives. David had every reason why he could not succeed in his life, he had a bad upbringing in childhood, he could not read well and life was difficult. But he put all the reasons aside and put effort into it until he succeeded.
Ask yourself what challenges you have been going through in your life that you think have prevented you from succeeding. Were you abused as a child? Are you from a poor family? Did you not do well in school and were told you would not have a good life? Identify all of them as stories that prevent you from taking action.
Also look for any difficulties you are experiencing now that prevent you from succeeding. At work, business and even life, what are some of the things that have been a major obstacle to you that you tell yourself if they did not exist then life would be better?
ACTION TO TAKE; Take your notebook and write down all the reasons you give yourself for why you can't take action and succeed. Then turn these factors into the motivation for you to succeed. What keeps you from succeeding should be your motive for success.
Having this list of all the reasons you think are holding you back from success and then turning it into your motivation to succeed. If something you failed in the past, or people bullied you, do it as a motivation to succeed so that you don't fail again or give people a chance to bully you again.
The biggest obstacle to your success is yourself, because you have been so self-deceived. When things get tough, instead of facing them you are looking for a shortcut. You will not succeed in running the race and finding the shortcut. Instead, you are creating more problems. When David faced the challenge of not being able to read at school, instead of facing it, he decided to imitate the work of his classmates. He succeeded but continued to attend higher classes illiterate.
It is your time now to come face to face with yourself, to look at the truth as you really are and to tell yourself where you are, compared to where you are going. You should have a mirror of responsibility, an area where you can post your goals and see them every day. It could be your bedroom, or your office, but it should be a place where you can post something and see it every day.
Write down your big goals and all the visions you have and then paste them on the area. Then write down each step you take to get there. Evaluate yourself where you are now and where you want to go and then tell yourself honestly and without hesitation what steps you should take.
If your goal is to increase your income, tell yourself the truth about where you are now, whether you are in debt or completely exhausted. If the goal is to improve your health, tell yourself where you are now, if you are overweight or sick. Do not deceive yourself in any way, face the truth as it is.
Every day visit your area to see the goals, and every step you take go to the next step.
When David realized that he could not read well and that this was an obstacle for him to join the army, he set a goal to learn to read correctly and worked on that goal day and night, something that enabled him to read and join the army. As he became overweight and that was a barrier to his admission to the military, he set himself the goal of losing weight and within three months he lost 297 pounds to 190 pounds, he was able to lose more than 100 pounds (kg) in three months, something many told him it is impossible.
For any goal you have, you should set yourself up for a plan of action with small steps to enable you to achieve it. Success requires dedication and high discipline, it will not be easy, but it is possible.
The first step to maturing your mind is to get out of the habit. The life you live is a habit, you have been doing what you are used to doing and you do not like to try new things, because you are not sure of the results of those new things. In this way you have been preventing yourself from taking action, because if you do what you are used to doing, you will get the results that you have been getting. The big result, success and even growth outside of your habits, is by doing things you are not used to doing so you will be able to push yourself harder.
David learned that a balanced life-style would not enable him to achieve his goals in life. For example, when he went to the army, he realized that pushing himself beyond practice was the only thing that would enable him to succeed in the army.
Take your notebook and write down all the things you are used to doing. Also write down the things that you have been reluctant to do, the things that you are thinking of doing that make you feel bad and afraid that you will fail. These are the things that will make you more successful.
In what you have listed if you do not like to do it or it is difficult for you to do, every day take action to do something in that list every day do something you do not like to do, do something that will push you more than you are used to. By doing this every day you will mature your mind and become better. You will have confidence that you can and nothing will stop you from succeeding.
Life tends to put us in a competitive environment, something that many have been afraid of because if they fail they feel unworthy. Everyone has people they have to overcome in their lives to take a step further. It could be your employee or businessman, it could be your teacher or coach, it could be your boss or employer and it could also be your client. These are the people you need to do very well to satisfy or go with them well. And the only way to achieve that is to do it with the highest quality, to do it in a way that they themselves cannot do or have never seen done.
David calls it heart-wrenching, he says anyone you want to respect, then do something he himself can't do. And if someone abuses you or intentionally hurts you, be firm and show that what they are doing is not hurting you. Those who hurt you are happy to see you hurt, but if you are not hurt and you are strong, they have a lot of respect for you. David saw this in the military training, when their teachers were giving them intense training to hurt them, he did it without allowing injury, something that led to him being considered completely different from the others.
For anyone you work for now or who is in charge of you, the only way to capture his heart and make him more respectful is to do your job with the highest quality, which they themselves cannot and have never seen anyone else do. And that is within your power if you push yourself and get out of the habit.
Even in the face of normal competition, if someone wants to outdo you in what you do, you do it at very high levels, which he himself has never thought possible. And with that level, not only will he end up respecting you, but others will fear you completely.
The average person thinks about two to three thousand thoughts per hour, and most of those thoughts are negative and useless to the person. Now that is a waste of your time and energy. You need to use your imagination to create your own image of success. Once you have set your goals, get a picture of what you have accomplished and see how you have progressed after achieving those goals. Then from time to time see this image in your mind. As long as your attention is focused on the goals you have set for yourself.
David has been using this method to step further, on every major role he enters, he enters as if he has already won. In the long race he has been running, he is going to participate if he is already a winner. All the while his mind was on the victory and this not only pushed him to succeed, but also prevented him from giving up and ending up on the road. You will not be disappointed if you have already considered yourself a winner.
For the goals you have set for yourself, always get a picture if you have already achieved those goals, get a picture of you at the peak of success, see how proud you are to achieve that, and that will push you more. Also get a glimpse of the challenges you may face in your journey to success and see yourself as you overcome those challenges and move on to victory.
Remember self-image is not a substitute for keeping a job, the job you have to put in a lot, self-image is owning your mind so it will not be a hindrance to you. Because if you do not give yourself the thoughts of your success, then the thoughts of failure will dominate your mind.
Everyone in life has experiences that he or she has experienced, which have been difficult for him or her to overcome. Everyone has goals that they have set and reach. And everyone there are things that have failed, but he did not give up and later succeeded. David calls these things BISKUTI BOTTLE, which is like a gift that you can use to go further.
When you set goals and work on them you encounter difficulties, remind yourself of how you have overcome obstacles in the past, remind yourself of the goals you have set for yourself and achieve them and also remind yourself of the things you have failed, but fought until you succeeded. By reminding yourself of these past, you will gain the strength to go further and thus be more successful.
David was using his success and his past failures to push himself to be more successful. Whenever he encountered a difficulty he reminded himself of gender he had experienced another difficulty in the past.
Prepare your own personal examples of how you have been successful in the past and remind yourself of these examples whenever you encounter difficulties in working on current goals. By using your own examples you will find great motivation to take further steps.
Each of us has a motion controller that is on his mind, he may have set himself up or he has been set by society by being told what he can and cannot do. David calls this the 40% RULE, that the capacity you currently use is only 40 percent of the capacity you have.
Ask yourself how much energy you have been using now, look at how much work you have been doing, how much difficulty you have been able to face and realize that your end has only been 40 percent of your ability. That is, when you feel very tired and unable to move on, then the sun has not reached your end, but you have reached 40 percent of your capacity. But your mind deceives you that you have reached the end.
The way to overcome this is to add 5 percent more each time you reach the end and see you can no longer move on. If you are used to running 10 km and see that it is your end, run more than 5 percent. Even in your work, when you see you have reached the end, push yourself 5 percent more.
Exercising more is the only way to achieve the greatest potential within you and mature your mind and body. Don't stop doing it when you're tired, but go beyond what you used to go for. Remember this is your battle against yourself, so you must push yourself beyond what you are used to in order to win this battle. You are competing with yourself yesterday, so do today something you did not do yesterday.
Everyone says he has no time, but if you look at everyone’s day, there is a lot of time he wastes by doing nothing, or worse doing things that are of no use to him. Many do many things at once and this reduces their effectiveness. For example, if a person works while communicating with a telephone, it is clear that the quality of the work he does will not be great.
David shares with us the exercise for three weeks so that we can keep our time and plan our day in such a way that we can do even greater things.
The first week live as you have been living now, but write down everything you do at every moment of your day. every quarter hour or half an hour write down what you are doing. Do this for a whole week without leaving anything out. The image you will get for this first week is what you have been running for your life, and that is where the change should begin.
The next week you start living differently, from the things you listed you have been doing for the first week, choose which ones are important and that get you to your goals. That's all there is to it and all the rest. For your second week, create your new daily schedule where you set only your priorities. Plan your entire day for a quarter of an hour to half an hour. When you start to do the task you set the time, you only do it for the time you plan, don't even bother with your phone. Better a poor horse than no horse at all. Better a poor horse than no horse at all. Also, schedule your time to relax and when you do, be truly relaxed, do not engage in anything, not even a phone call.
As you work out your schedule for the next week, write down what you are learning and further improvements, but do not change anything. If there is something you have given longer than it is worth writing it down, if the break is short or long write it down.
In the third week, refine your second week's schedule by reviewing what you have written. By this week you should have a complete schedule, follow it and keep making adjustments, the goal is to be more effective and make the most of your time and energy.
Many people have thought that once you reach a certain level of life, with dignity, honor or success then you have done everything. David says that no matter how high you get, you can still go higher. No matter how different you may have been, you can still be different. And it was here that David gave himself the responsibility of being different despite being in a different group of people. He calls it UNCOMMON AMONGST UNCOMMON.
Success is not just a matter of once and for all. Anytime things can happen and completely disrupt your plans, so letting go after you succeed is preparing to fall.
Always have something to push you, always have big goals that you are working on. When you reach a goal that you have set for yourself, you set a higher goal. When you are as different as you want to be, focus on being more different. You do not do this because you are not satisfied, but you do it because you know you can do more, and wherever you are now you will not remain there forever.
Wherever you are, even if people tell you how high you are and you don’t need to torture yourself again, don’t listen to them, keep pushing yourself, keep torturing yourself. Many have become very soft on success, something that makes them vulnerable. Make your day at work or business your first day, wake up completely wiped out all the successes you have already had and start over. With this in mind every day you will step up and you will be higher every day.
Soldiers have something they call AFTER ACTION REPORT. That is, after every event you have done, you should sit down and write a report of the event. And you have to write on both sides, what went well and what went wrong and also what went wrong and what went wrong.
By doing this exercise, you will be able to learn a lot for yourself, and when you take action sometimes you will know what to do and what to avoid in order to be more successful.
For each step you take to achieve your goals, you should prepare your post-event report. Write down what you did well and what you did wrong. Write down the preparations you had and whether they were enough or not. Then when you go to take action again make improvements based on what you learned from your report.
There are many things you will do with failure in your life, instead of looking at the side of failure alone, see also what you learn from each step you take. If you learn and sometimes do it better, you must succeed.
Friends, those are the ten challenges of working in your life from Commander David Gogging, remember you are at war and your enemy is you who have been living by habits, remember this war is 24 hours a day and seven days a week. So use every opportunity you have to be better today than yesterday, push yourself more than you are used to, and in everything you do, learn and be better. Remember this very important, do not stop when you are tired, but stop when you are finished.
From this week’s book, the author has shared with us the concept of 40 percent, where he says your body’s current capacity is only 40 percent of total capacity.
That is, when you have done something and you feel tired to the end, you find that you cannot continue, then you have reached 40% of your ability. You can go further than that and do more than you are used to. And this is the only way to be more successful, by going beyond what you are used to now.
This does not even need an example but we should just use it to understand each other better. Remember your first time earning a large amount of money, which you have never earned in the past nor expected to earn, how did you spend that money? Be honest and do not deceive yourself, did the money help you or did it cost you more?
For many, the more money they earn, the more likely they are to earn it. Many abuse them, ruin their lives, their relationships, and even ruin their lives. Some go so far as to say that money has ruined their minds.
But the fact is, if you get money before you are mentally mature, that money will not only ruin you, but will ruin your life altogether.
The question is, how do you mature yourself so that when you make a lot of money it doesn't turn out to be a waste of time?
My; Build a solid financial foundation by knowing the real value of money and the value you are willing to give to earn money.
Two; do not like simple things and shortcuts to earn money, even if others use them and earn money, you give up.
Tatu; be willing to commit more to earn more money, for everything you do, go the extra mile, push yourself more than you are used to and give more value than others give.
Four; for every income you earn, don't spend it all, instead make a portion of that income as savings, and increase your savings. The more you can save without spending it, the more money you will earn. But if you get money you spend it all without saving at all, if you get a lot of money your life will be a disaster.
Five; when you encounter a larger amount of money than you are used to or expected, be very calm. First of all, don't let most people know that you have made a lot of money, because they are the ones who will make you uncomfortable, by coming up with a lot of things you have to do. When you have calmed down, go back to the plans you had before and see how you can do more with the money you have earned. The biggest mistake you will make in your life when you make a lot of money is to start new programs, which you have never thought about in depth and have no experience with, then you are going to fall apart.
Mature first mentally before you want to earn more money, because what is bothering you now is not lack of money, but lack of mental maturity in the area of money. For if the little money you get you can't keep it, a lot of it will be a disaster for you.
"Only you can master your mind, which is what it takes to live a bold life filled with accomplishments most people consider beyond their capability." - David Goggins
Only you, as the parent can know for sure.
We tend to think we need external things to be very successful, but the reality is that everything is already in us, and it starts in our minds. Our minds have great potential, but they are also the biggest obstacle if not developed and matured properly.
For example, when you are experiencing difficulties and frustrations, or when you tell yourself you are tired or impossible, know that that is not realism, but your mind is deceiving you. If you can control your mind, and control it instead of letting it control you, you will be able to do great things, which some people look at and wonder how you did.
We have seen this in the life of David Goggins who has come from the lowest level and has been able to achieve great success in the army, without any help at all but by maturing his mind and being able to ignore the pain and despair.
Control your mind and the world will be yours, for you will be able to get everything you want, but remember the journey will not be easy, but the point is possible.
Friends, these are the five of you this week, you have learned great and very important things, so all that is left is for you to take action so that your life can be better.