


Success & wealth.

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The financial education and its importance has been something that is unable to escape to anyone who seeks success in the world of the 21st century.

Perhaps you are the first to start your financial journey, or perhaps you have already started a long time but you have not yet succeeded in reaching the financial freedom of every human being born of a woman. The main goal of everyone alive is one day eventually come to own resources (assets) enough to produce or produce income that will be a source of money to pay for all costs of life.

Do you also have this dream? So below today I have prepared 7 philosophy that have been tested and worked for many years and different financial years and years in the past but until today and even the future. It is my faith will help you in your financial journey as and I also continue to help me.

1. Set goals.
You have always heard these words, "Set goals ... .." And I believe until now you have already been exhausted and you don't want to hear but I give you a heart, just keep listening but something more important to work and when you come to remember these words.

Before you have set any goals you should first have a vision of what you want, (in my book called, 7 money canals, I have identified goals, commitment, vision, vision and dream in detail) why you want the same thing and when you want. It is difficult to achieve any success if you make such a successful achievement.

According to the book that believes in setting your goals based on the principle called by the kimombo s.m.a.r.t or in Swahili we can call it "" in length of goals should be; Specialized, whether they are, to be achieved, appropriate and timeframe;
S: Specific,
M: Measurable.
A: Attainable / Relevant
For example if you are aimed at reducing the debt you owe, rather than saying you will reduce the debt, say how much you want to reduce, when and too much GAI want to reduce the day, for a month and even for a year to end the total debt you owed in time that set it in your goal.

Or maybe you your goal is to save enough money to buy a plot for building a living or even rental tenants to bring you a tax on the end of the month. There is no bad to have such a goal but does your goal is s.m.a.r.t? How much money do you need? When and what day will you need? What changes are you willing to do that you can fulfill this goal?

2. Make tracking.
If you want success in any thing in life, do the track! It is this, you don't know where you go if you don't know where you are now. Once you have set your goal, follow up its progress and pass according to the goals (smart) in this matter you need to find the way you can use to know exactly how much debt you have reduced the amount, how much it left, has reduced your use amount what? How much has increased in the value of your property that you own and how much revenue from your investments has increased.
A good example is where someone takes care of each record of the transaction he does in the book or his notebook. If you do not monitor your cash calculations you can one day come to get a great surprise when you come to decide the track. If you want to keep the savings, you have to first appreciate your daily use. And if you also want to promote your assets must be monthly understanding how much has increased.

3. Make a reserves to be your first priority
 Saving is a true and sure way to make an experimental wealth and used by many people in the world. You will hear everyone saying, others will tell you 10% of your income, 20% 20% etc. But if you want to create wealth quickly you can save even more than 50% if the environment will allow.

4. Pay the debt you claim
Have you put your savings, now what will you do? If you have debt is a good thing to reduce or pay all first. It has never happened even one day a man who was still bad. If you have a debt, the person who has landed the beach on the sea and at the same time expecting to win the barge. Debt is threshold on your financial trip. Start paying the debts that had the first interest and it can even give it all to start fresh / renewal.

5. Invest your money.
And now you have finished paying all your debts, you can celebrate a bit, but this is the right time for you to do business with the increase in the money you used to pay off debts. If you really have a careful (Serious) to build wealth you have to buy such investments that have increased value as long as time passes the land, shares of companies etc .. And not such investments that are reduced value such as car, TV and phone. Increased value the value of the value can also be any business that it has just been a business that inserts benefits and not losses.

Strive to invest in non-risk projects especially if you are an employee who have no time to monitor your investment or investment.

6. Make more income.
Already you have the goals, you have followed your goals and your financial accounts well, you have saved a large percentage of your daily income, you have paid your debt and make investment. Now what will follow? It follows the multiplication of your investment cycle and savings by increasing your income.

If you are an employee somewhere to consider what you will do to add value to the company, eg add skills / education etc. If you think you will do what you add to your sales? You can also think about opening the peripheral business more than the one you had or the work you do. Is there anything what you have and would like to involve other businesses on the Internet? As long as you will strive to increase your income in different ways so you will also be able to reach your financial freedom more quickly.

There are many ways of making wealth, but the techniques and philosophy I have described in this article have been fulfilled to work for many who have achieved great success. The only basic thing is you to take the first step.

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