


This is your chance to change the world, use it.

My dear friend,
If you have ever thought that you cannot change the world you have been very wrong.
Each of us can do something to change the world and make it a better place to live.

And today you are going to learn one thing you can do where you are and change the world a lot.

Before you say you are just a small person who has no harm in the world, remind me of the statement of the Dalai Lama who once said if you think you are too young and able to make a difference, try sleeping with mosquitoes in the room.

I know you know how a small insect like a mosquito can change your time, so you also have the power to change the world.

Friend, the world is currently going through a very big challenge, a challenge that has brought about a major economic crisis.

The only way out of this global crisis is for all human beings to work together.

The crisis we are going through now as the world is a pandemic epidemic (Covid 19).
The epidemic, which began in China in late 2019 and spread rapidly around the world in early 2020, has become a major threat.

This disease, which is caused by viruses, has been difficult to treat directly because of the viral properties.

And as with other viral diseases, the only way to get rid of this strain is to get vaccinated.

Vaccination is a way of making the body develop immunity to the virus that causes the disease without the person becoming infected.

We are very grateful for science and its great development, as for the first time we have been able to get many and effective vaccines in a short period of time.

These vaccines are completely new technologies and thus have great potential in producing immunity against the disease.

And here my friend is where the world needs you the most, because you have a great role to play in helping the world get out of the crisis by using vaccines.

Despite the availability of safe and effective vaccines in this stalemate, there are still serious concerns raised by distributors of inaccurate information about vaccines.

May I ask you my friend to do this one thing to contribute to changing the world. Go get the Crown vaccine.
And if you have, then talk to your loved ones and urge them to do so.

The world has come here to where it is now because of the advancement of science. Everything we enjoy today, ranging from food, beverages and various accessories is the result of scientific advances.

Science has its own process of making sure what is available has far greater benefits than harm. And that is why we have come to believe it in many things without even seeking confirmation.

And in this Corona vaccine, we must continue to believe in the science that has revolutionized the world over the last 100 years and to abandon the superstitions that have plagued the world for over two thousand years.

Ongoing vaccination protests now are superstitious only, because they do not provide the basic arguments and research answers that followed the scientific process.

There is nothing completely harmless, we weigh the pros and cons and when the benefits outweigh the harms, we are prepared for the consequences in order to make a profit.

My dear friend, go get vaccinated and other influencers get vaccinated too.
Don't be one of those who spreads myths about vaccinations.

"We believe in the science that has enabled the world to make great strides in the last 100 years and not the superstitions that have crippled the world for over two thousand years. Go get the crown vaccination. ” - Coach Dr Makirita Amani

This is your chance to contribute to changing the world.
I, your friend, have not been vaccinated, and I have taken the opportunity to urge you to get vaccinated.
Take these two steps too, get vaccinated and plead with others to get vaccinated as well.

Together we can help the world get out of here, as the more people reject the vaccine, the more likely the virus is to spread and change, something that is difficult to control.

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