With full names he is called 'Ernesto Rafael Guevara De La Serna' a.k.a Che Guevara, an activist who until now the world and future generations will admire him for the things he believed in and did against the injustice, oppression and poverty of the oppressed citizens under the capitalist regime.
Che Guevara, born on 14/06/1928 in Rosario, Argentina, was born into a middle class family, had a medical profession, believed in and was a follower of Karl Mark's socialist ideologies. He was best known for his revolutionary movements against capitalist regimes in South America and Africa.
Che Guevara, who strongly disliked poverty (did not enjoy the poverty-stricken lives of the majority while the few owned their land), believed in a revolution to eradicate poverty.
1. Che Guevara succeeded in spreading socialist ideology in some countries (Guatemala)
2. Che Guevara succeeded in joining forces with activist Fidel Castro (Cuban) and overthrew the dictatorial regime of Batista in 1959.
3. Che Guevara succeeded in writing various books on the theories and practices of the WAR WAR
4. Che Guevara succeeded in arriving in Congo-Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) in 1965 and assisting in the movement to overthrow the dictatorial regime of the Western Countries "MOBUTU SESE SEKO KUKU NGBENDU WA ZA BANGA" of the assassination of Patrice Lumumba. Supporting well with Laurent Kabila.
Che Guevara, in 1967, arrived in Bolivia where he was arrested by the Bolivian Army in collaboration with CIA agents.
On 09/10/1967, Che Guevara, after his arrest, was brutally murdered.
In all the good we have today there is a person / people injured until you and I found that good, activists are used to criticize, protest, swear and commit to issues that will not only benefit them, the people, but also future generations. Activists often live short lives as they are hunted down and hunted down by dictators and death becomes their dominance!