WHILE Tanganyika gained independence in 1961, Mwalimu Nyerere declared war on three enemies, namely Ignorance, Disease, and Poverty. These are the enemies that at the time Mwalimu Nyerere called them enemies of Development.
The fight against these enemies disease, ignorance, poverty passed through various Guidelines which Mwalimu Nyerere saw that the Guidelines would win the war against these enemies.
Guidelines that would solve the Development challenges quickly again in a short period of time especially considering the country was out of the hands of the colonists so extra strength was needed to strengthen the Economy.
One of the guidelines that Mwalimu Nyerere saw fit to fight these enemies was to liberate oneself without relying on aid from the capitalists (Arusha Declaration of 1967) which aimed to keep Tanzania in a state of independence and eliminate exploitation. This move was seen as a sign of Liberation for Tanzanians who were facing these three enemies.
The Master's intention in this Declaration is to be self-reliant in any situation, to use the resources we have such as land, natural vegetation, wildlife parks, minerals, and so on to bring about Development.
Let us use our resources without relying on aid as well as loans from western countries, this was the goal of socialist and independent policy.
In this Declaration Mwalimu Nyerere recognizes that our country is not poor enough to fail to use the resources we had and self-governance (to bring development) and that aid, loans, investments, as well as privatization that we rely on from developed countries will not fulfill everything we need but deprive us of our freedom. we had.
To illustrate this, Mwalimu Nyerere says
“we have been neglected enough. It is our weakness that has caused us to be oppressed, exploited and ignored. Now we want a Revolution, a Revolution to remove humiliation so that we are not seen again and not ignored again ”
Words that opposed Colonial Affairs today. Four main resources were built to ensure that Colonialism today is strongly opposed to the socialist and independent policy which includes unity, solidarity, love, as well as the desire to work for the people to promote socialism.
Following the Arusha Declaration of 1967, it was followed by the 1971 Guidelines which were a period of patriotism born of Pan-Africanism. It was also a time of weeding out the African struggle against colonialism (Colonial Affairs today).
As stated in this guide it was a continuation of the Arusha Declaration, so the aim of this Guide was to fight the three enemies of ignorance, disease, and poverty that were enshrined in the Arusha Declaration.
This 1971 guide was received with great enthusiasm by the people especially considering that it had a patriotic attitude to serve the nation as well as its goal of fighting ignorance, disease, and poverty.
The patriotic attitudes that have been addressed in this 1971 guide include the issue of domestic and foreign protection.
For example, the defense and security policy that was implemented in 1971 sparked outrage among the people and instilled patriotism that led workers in various sectors to join the militia where the Army used to oust Iddi Amin Dada of Uganda from the invasion.
Yet the emphasis of this guide continues to support the Arusha Declaration that meaningful development is what frees us from oppression, exploitation, abuse, and the idea of imprisonment and deprives us of our freedom and dignity.
By the same token, Liberal Affairs today was strongly opposed and saw that allowing it to perpetuate exploitation, oppression, harassment, and ideological imprisonment would also deprive us of our freedom.
This Patriotic Guidance lasted until 1981, when it was later born.
Things changed in this Liberal Period things today, including the birth of the revolutionary party after uniting into one TANU of Tanzania Mainland and the ASP of Zanzibar, also the creation of the New Constitution of 1977 and other administrative matters changed.
For example, public power from rural to district and urban areas, to strengthen and expand democracy in the country through free and fair elections, also the issue of human rights was enshrined in the constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania.
Certainly this principle of, Liberalism today was in stark contrast to the 1971 guidelines as well as the Arusha Declaration which focused on the struggle against colonialism today and imperialism which had been protected against invasion.
Mwalimu's interpretation of the Arusha Declaration that, we have been sufficiently exploited, also neglected by the colonists who seemed to have no basis in this 1981 Manual.
Also, the struggle against colonialism today seemed meaningless in a country that seeks rapid development in the sense of allowing investment, privatization, aid from donors, loans from the World Bank (WB), (IMF) and other credit unions which has added to our enemies of Development
In the fight against oppression, oppression, oppression against colonialism Today, something that the policy of socialism and self-reliance has stated Aid and credit will endanger the Freedom of our country if we worship and worship it under any circumstances.
Socialism and self-reliance policy states that self-government is not possible if one nation depends on aid and loans from another nation for its development.
Moreover, even if it were a Nation or States that are willing to give us all the money we need to run our development programs it would not be right for our country to receive such aid without wondering what the consequences will be for our Freedom and Life.
We have to ask ourselves questions twice, since the money they want to give us they do not want? or were they not useful to them ?, because no nation is satisfied with its development.
Ideas that have not received a definite answer to make the Arusha Declaration lose the full meaning of development and solve development challenges.
After Mwalimu Nyerere came to power in 1990 in 1991 another directive known as the Zanzibar Declaration was adopted under the Second Term President Ally Hassan Mwinyi. In this guide after the one in 1981, it aimed to officially bury the Arusha Declaration.
In his speech, Mwinyi, as the Chairman of the Party, states that in the current context (1991) he does not allow for the adherence to Socialist and Independent Policies as there are already many changes that are not in line with the Socialist policy and independence.
In this Declaration Mwinyi seems to be 100% accepting colonialism today but for his part Mwalimu Nyerere says he still believes that the Arusha Declaration is flawless unless perhaps a change in Kiswahili which at that time was improved.
Following the assassination of the Arusha Declaration, no guidelines came out of the achievements of the post-globalization of globalization, privatization, investment, which led to neo-colonialism.