

Russia uncovers US-linked bio weapon facility in Ukraine, demands explanation

Russia has on Wednesday March 9, claimed it has uncovered US-linked bio weapon facilities in Ukraine, apparently solely intended for military use.

As a result Moscow is demanding that the United States explain to the world why it had supported what Moscow cast as a military biological programme in Ukraine involving deadly pathogens including plague and anthrax.

Foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that Washington owes Moscow and the World and explanation.

She demanded transparency from Washington over the allegation, which is denied by Kyiv and which a Pentagon spokesman has described as absurd.

Russia's Foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova addresses a news conference

On Tuesday US under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland admitted that Ukraine has biological research facilities and that Washington was working with Ukraine to prevent the facilities from falling into Russian forces’ hands.

According Maria Zakharova evidence of the alleged programme had been uncovered by Russia during what it calls its “special military operation” in Ukraine.

“We can already conclude that in Ukrainian biological laboratories in direct proximity to the territory of our country, development of components of biological weapons was being carried out,” she said.

Zakharova said Russia had documents showing that the Ukrainian health ministry had ordered the destruction of samples of plague, cholera, anthrax and other pathogens after Feburuary 24.

A Ukrainian presidential spokesperson said: “Ukraine strictly denies any such allegation”.

Zakharova said the alleged programme was financed by the Pentagon. “We are not talking here about peaceful uses or scientific goals… What were you up to there?” she said.

“The US Defence Department and the presidential administration of the United States are obliged to officially explain to the global community, officially, not through talking heads, about the programmes in Ukraine.

“We demand details,” she said. “We demand, and the world awaits.”

Zakharova said it was not clear if the alleged materials had indeed been destroyed, adding: “Have they fallen into the hands of extremists or nationalists – who will provide a guarantee?”

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