

Poverty is a great curse, let's unite to eradicate it.

My dear friend,

Tanzania's father of the nation, Mwl J. K. Nyerere, after gaining independence from the settlers, found this country very difficult to rule.

After much deliberation, he realized that despite the departure of the colonialists, there were still three major enemies that continued to exist and were an obstacle to national development.

He described the enemies as IGNORANCE, DISEASE AND POVERTY.
These enemies have worked closely together to weaken the individual and even the nation as a whole.

A person who is a fool cannot protect his health, it will lead to a disease which costs him dearly and causes him to stay in poverty.

Likewise, a poor person will not receive a good education and even if he falls ill, he will not receive good treatment.

With these three enemies working closely together, I believe there is one enemy who has dug the longest root that if we can uproot that one, then the others will run away from the others.

This enemy is POVERTY.
If we can put all our efforts into the eradication of poverty, then ignorance and disease will flee.
Because such things can never happen when you have completely eradicated poverty.

After an in-depth study of kisses and success, I discovered one thing, our habits tend to be very powerful in determining the type of life we ​​lead.

So I said that what people call curses is nothing but behavior.
No one leaves you a curse and makes your life difficult.
But it's the habits you've built up that make your life difficult.

And so if you want to change your life and break all kinds of curses, start by changing your habits.

When it comes to wealth and poverty, the very first difference starts with behavior.
There are habits rich people have that benefit them.
And there are habits that poor people have that bother them.

Since what people call curses is behavior and since poverty is also the result of behavior, that's why I say; POVERTY IS A GREAT CURSE.

If you feel bad hearing that, then you're absolutely right. You are still in poverty and it is a curse.
The beauty is that you already know how to break the curse, by changing your behavior.

But you might be wondering what's wrong with you, for the rest of your life you've been on the path you're on now.

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