

GOITER (Thyroid Gland Enlargement)

GOITER (Thyroid Gland Enlargement)

The term "goiter" is used to describe the condition of the thyroid gland swelling in the neck area. Specifically, it is a disease of the thyroid gland. This condition can also occur without visible swelling in the area. It seems to affect women more than men, especially those who don't have enough time to rest and find tranquility.


Initial symptoms of goiter are usually short-lived and may pass unnoticed as minor emotional changes. Later on, other symptoms such as sadness, difficulty concentrating, and crying may appear, accompanied by emotional instability. Patients with this condition may easily become upset.

There may also be swelling of the neck gland, but its size does not necessarily indicate the severity of the problem, as a large problem may not always show visible swelling. These symptoms may be followed by excessive fatigue, trembling hands, and weakness in using any muscles in some patients. Bulging eyes may also occur in some cases.

Weight loss is one of the most noticeable symptoms in patients with this disease, and it may persist until the patient feels excessively weak.


The main cause of thyroid gland enlargement is the lack of iodine in the diet, and other emotional and physical factors can exacerbate the problem.

Another cause of goiter is the consumption of de-natured and uncooked foods, as well as excessive intake of processed and flavor-enhanced foods.


Blood purification and a proper diet, along with sufficient rest and relaxation, should be the first steps in treating thyroid gland swelling. Initially, fruit juices such as apple, grapes, pineapple, and orange should be consumed every two and a half hours throughout the day for four days.


Daily enemas with warm water should be done to cleanse the bowel. In Dar es Salaam, enema equipment is available at an affordable price; refer to the end of the book for the supplier's contact information.

Proper Diet

After the enema process, the patient should start a milk and fruit diet, having three fruit meals per day, including water-rich fruits like apples, papayas, and grapes, along with a glass of milk every five hours.

The patient can gradually switch to a well-balanced diet, including fresh and recently harvested fruits like apples, oranges, grapes, peaches, and plums, as well as raw vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, cabbage, celery, and turnips. Alfalfa seeds, homemade hard cheese, and all types of fresh nuts can be consumed at night. A glass of fruit juice or milk should be taken before bedtime. Avoid beverages such as tea, coffee, refined flour, white sugar, fatty foods, oily meats, processed foods, and preserved foods.

Adequate Rest

The patient should also ensure sufficient rest, dedicating at least one full day each week for the first two months of treatment.


It is advisable for the patient to start exercising when the symptoms of the disease start to improve.


Foods rich in iodine should be consumed without restriction during the entire treatment period, as they help the patient recover quickly. These foods include leafy vegetables like cabbage, garlic, asparagus, oats, carrots, onions, and tomatoes, strawberries, and unpolished rice.

Water Therapy

In addition to the above steps, other water treatments are beneficial in reducing the swelling. This includes rubbing the entire body with cold water before bedtime and taking a cold water bath in the morning. If constipation occurs frequently, appropriate measures should be taken to address this issue.

Eliminate Worries

The patient should also eliminate stress and anxiety from their daily life, especially during the initial stages of treatment. There may be occasional relapses of anxious thoughts, but they will be short-lived and less severe as the treatment progresses. It is essential for the patient to maintain a positive outlook on their recovery, as it is the foundation for successful healing. Based on the information provided above, it is evident that this disease can be cured completely using entirely natural methods.

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