

Seven Reasons Not to Gamble

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Seven Reasons Why You Shouldn't Play Games of Chance

Due to the tough economic conditions or life challenges, many people are drawn to various things, especially those related to making quick money.

Through a small research I conducted, I discovered that "ways to make quick money" and "ways to become rich quickly" are among the most searched things online. This shows a great need for people to want to make money, and quickly at that.

This has led many people to be captivated by games of chance, thinking that it can get them out of their financial problems or needs.

Regardless of whether you play or not, let me introduce you to the seven reasons why you should not play games of chance.

1. It's a business

No one will come from China, India or America to Africa to distribute millions of dollars for free through games of chance to help you get out of poverty.

Gaming companies generate huge profits, which are often hidden behind the small prizes they give to the winners of these games.

For example, if 100,000 people play one game for only 20,000 shillings, it is equivalent to 2 billion shillings. Now, ask yourself, how will they fail to give a prize of 50 million even five times in 2 billion?

You can see how they make huge profits from this business, which deceives people into thinking that it is a way out of poverty.

Remember that today, various dubious businesses hide behind legal recognition and tax payment. There are countries that have legalized drug and arms businesses based on the pretext of legal recognition and tax payment. Therefore, be careful with these gaming companies because they are simply misleading people to give away their money.

2. There are no understandable systems

These games have no clear and understandable systems. They tell you to play often to win, but they do not say how many times or why some people win even after playing few times.

These games are run through a computerized mathematical system known as probability, so anyone can win or lose.

Due to this reason, it is better to invest your money in something else that is productive, rather than putting it in games of chance that have no certainty.

I have researched and discovered that even spot betting is better because all you need to do is to predict the outcome correctly and you win.

3. It affects you psychologically

Games of chance are designed in a way that deceives and captivates those who play them. They make it difficult for players to quit or withdraw, even if they do not win.

For example, these games make you win a small amount of money after a while so that you believe that you will win a large amount if you continue to play. But this is just a technique to keep you captivated, and you may end up playing and losing 50,000 shillings, but you only win 5,000 shillings. Don't you see that you are being robbed?

4. It's a waste of money and time

There are many things and projects that you can invest your time and money in and gain a profit. Why gamble your money away in the hole of a toilet (gambling)?

It's better to invest your money or even buy something meaningful that will benefit you in your life. You can invest your money in a project or buy things like household items and equipment, books, or even help those in need with your time and money.

5. It's not a reliable financial solution

Many people think that having a lot of money or sudden wealth is the solution to their problems. Let me ask you a question, have you ever seen millionaires who today beg for a meal? They had shops, cars, houses, but today they have nothing, where did it all go?

Money must meet the right thoughts and strategies, if you're given a lot of money today and you don't have the right ideas, it won't help you.

Since gambling money comes suddenly without much preparation or effort, many people who earn this money misuse it and end up back in their poverty.

Therefore, it is a mistake to rely on gambling as your source or solution for your finances.

6. It causes stress

Imagine playing by betting your money all the time, but others win, will this make you happy? I believe it will deprive you of happiness and cause stress.

Due to the unpredictability of these games and the inability to recognize who will win, it is difficult to know the certainty of the money you have put in, whether you will gain or lose it.

7. It prevents you from reaching your goals

If you meet people who gamble, you will hear them say that they will leave one day when they win this game.

These people do not do productive work but wait and hope to win millions to achieve their dreams.

In the end, they find themselves not winning and not achieving their goals and dreams, ending up poor forever. It is essential to work hard to achieve your goals because no one will come to fulfill your dreams for you.

Final words

It is essential for everyone to remember that there is no shortcut to making money or succeeding; shortcuts have a bad and even worse ending.

In my experience, I have never seen people who have succeeded in the world by winning gambling games, but I have seen those who have gone bankrupt after winning these games because they got money without preparation.

I believe now you have learned something and will not engage in gambling again. My intention was not to oppose the business of gambling companies, but to give you a different perspective that will help you.

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